My New Favourite Store - Alannah Hill

Before I gat into anything I wanted to make sure I mention that both of these Items are currently on sale at Alannah Hill - so if they tickle your fancy better act toot-sweet!

Its exciting and terrifying to buy something that feels so expensive and looks so delicate. I don't really do it often - I love me my bargain - but when I do do it I feel incredibly important and beautiful. The dress, I was told, was inspired by a "Vintage French Chic" style and it is the epitome of all things feminine. 

I have a slightly smaller waist and bust for what is required to fill this dress out properly so I have every intention of taking it to be altered - I don't want to not wear something so beautiful because I look frumpy in it. 

I am absolutely head-over-heels for this blouse. The material and lace detailing are a little bit sheer - you can see the outline of any layers (dark pants and bras) underneath - so if you are not feeling confident enough to wear just the blouse you could pair it up with a nice light (white, beige or pink) singlet. I cannot fault this shirt it is so beautifully flattering and I feel so delicate and expensive when I wear it!

P. s. When I wore this for the first time I tucked it into a pair of black high-waisted jeans and a pair of strappy black heels - BEA-U-TI-FUL!

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